A friend of mine is on RAGBRAI this week. I'm guessing some people are like,"RAGBRAI, what the hell is that!?" RAGBRAI stands for the Register's Annual Great Bicycle Race Across Iowa. Its not much of a race.. more of a bike riding drunk fest. So anyway... my salt & pepper haired friend, called me and 2 other friends, all around 2:30pm on the 1st day of riding.. it was around 95 degrees that day. You can listen to the voicemail he left here: Voicemail Message . The only words I can make out are "naked" and "boobs".. the rest is just a bunch of giggling. Drunk giggling... |
Comments on "Drunk"
Oh how I wish I could listen to it, but I can't turn up the volume on this thing. Sux.
HA, the first thing my wife said to me when I came home from RAGBRAI Saturday was, "I read Wes's blog the other day...."
Thanks buddy, now I will never be able to go again. :-)
That's hilarious!! Iowa?!?! I have a friend that was just on tour through Iowa and he said that there are alot of scary metal fans out there. True or not true?
PS. I'm linking you on my site today. Hopefully that isn't a problem.
No problem. Everyone is welcome here. We are an equal opportunity blog.