Vanity Fair
Two of my favorite women, Scarlett Johansson and Keira Knightley, are on the cover of the March Vanity Fair issue.... oh.. and their naked. = ))![]() I was looking through my site stats and noticed a trend in what people are searching for to find my site. I guess I'm not the only person that those Mercury commercials had an effect on!! Here are a few examples of what people have searched on to get here: jill wagner commercial jill wagner pix jill wagner mercury jill wagner mercury commercial mercury mariner video jill wagner mercury mariner commercial, jill wagner jill wagner and commercial watch jill wagner mercury They all come here in search for this post Nice Headlights!. From the looks of it... that post is going to have to move up the Greatest Hits list!! |
Comments on "Vanity Fair"
Here's a present for ya buddy. How about a behind the scenes video of the photo shoot?
Whoa! I thought I almost saw a ghost!!
I love those gals though.
I think Keira looks hotter then Scarlett...she looks too soft in the wrong way.
Nonetheless, naked hot young chicks is always a good thing.
I'm sometimes amazed at the weird searches people do via Google or Yahoo and come upon my site. I think one day I'll have to do a post with a list of the most bizarre keyword searches ever conducted, which resulted in them finding my blog.
What I don't understand is why they dressed her in the same outfit for the Milan and the Mariner commercials...
I like the hot chicks too...Tom Ford is one lucky fella...
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