Took the day off. Golfed with Wounds, Dorf, & Andersflay. Teams were Wez & Wounds vs Dorf & Andersflay. Although I & Wounds won by like 6 strokes, somehow Dorf & Andersflay won 4 more skins. So we have to pay them a few bucks. A few things I remember from the morning... 1. Listening to Dorf & Andersflay try to figure out how to split up and pay for a $16 six pack of beer. Took Wounds and me about 1 second to figure it out. He gave me a Ten, I gave him $2 back. I paid with a Twenty... seemed simple enough to me. 5mins later Dorf & Andersflay were still trying to figure it out.... they have some problems. 2. Wounds and I had a not so good tee shot on one hole. Trying to figure out what distance we had left, we looked around at a few sprinkler covers. We looked at 2 and both had nothing on them. Wounds says, "We are so far away they don't even put anything on them!" 3. Andersflay was telling Dorf about his driver. He says, "It retails for around $400. I got it off eBay for like $150. It was slightly used. Wez Says... "Yeah, just like his woman." Here's a few pics from the round today... ![]() ![]() ![]() |
Comments on "FORE!"
You guys could not handle the juggernaut that is Team Dorf/Andersflay.
Now I must take a nap.
After the Andersflay pee shot I think the title of the post should have been FORE-SKIN!
I wish I knew how to golf. :(
wish I could just take a day off like that....
I can't golf, but let me drive the golf cart and drink the beer and I'm good to go!
Good thing his camera phone doesn't have like 300x zoom, we may have seen a little meat there.
Oh.... There should be a quality post come Saturday after Wez's big bash tomorrow night. I'm brining the camera.. Beer + Camera = good times.
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