Respect My Authority!
Wounds has made a small shrine to me over at his blog. He has made me into a South Park character! Gimme back my cheesy poofs! I'm a little concerned. I think Wounds is obsessed with me... I mean, the man went out of his way to create a South Park character of me. He also stores his chainsaw in my garage. I do know one thing, no matter how Fatal Attraction he goes on me, we will put all of our differences aside and DOMINATE at golf next Friday! Quote of the Day: "I was in the pool! I was in the pool!" -George Costanza, Seifeld. |
Comments on "Respect My Authority!"
Do you have shrinkage?
Uh, who WOULDN'T be obssessed with you!?!?!?!
Wounds has a non-sexual crush on Wez, it's true.. it's true.
great quoe of the day my friend!!!!!
Amera.. I know.. Its something I have to deal with on a daily basis.
Wounds is a bunny boiler! I knew it.