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Saturday, May 28, 2005

Star Wars... The Movie You Never Saw...

Star Wars

This movie also has Tharp's favorite song in it. I ain't no Holla Back Girl!

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Bartenders Are Totally Irresponsible

Saturday, May 14, 2005

Iraq Sand Storm

For those of you that have seen the pictures of the HUGE sand storm in Iraq... here is the actual video of it. This shit is crazy.

Iraq Sand Storm

Wednesday, May 11, 2005

Down Goes Frasier! Down Goes Frasier!

Down Goes Frasier!

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Nice Puppies...

Jessica Alba's quote describes perfectly how I feel about puppies too.........


Here is an email that my brother sent to my uncle. This sums up my feelings about the Cubs exactly...

The Cubs suck. I now cheer for the Orioles. You don't run Sosa (best
Cub Ever!), Chip Carey and Steve Stone out of town in the same
offseason and expect to be any good. All these Neo-Cubs fans that
came on board in the 2003 playoffs better be happy cause they got what
they all wanted. They got rid of MY Cubs, the Cubs I grew up with,
the Cubs I loved. The sliver lining in all this is that all those
bandwagon jumpers will leave town after this subpar year. Of course,
I still never miss a game and look forward to watching the Cubs every
chance I get (as I have since 1993), however not nearly as much as in
the past. They aren't even fun to watch anymore. and as for waiting
til next year, I've been waiting for 22 years, whats one more? Being
a Cubs fan builds character. No matter how hard you try, you always
fail. That's life.

Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Personality Disorder Test Results

My buddy over at Hands and Knees had a link to this test. So I took it. Doesn't look like I'm as messed up as I thought... = )


-- Personality Disorder Test --
-- Personality Disorder Information --

Sunday, May 01, 2005

I've been told many times that I have a rocket between my legs...

Crotch Rocket

So... I've had HDTV for over 2-3 months now. I still find myself staring at my TV amazed at how good the picture is. Watching Sunday Night Baseball on ESPN, or the NBA All Star game, or Deadwood on HBO HD.. its all just amazing. One thing that does suck about HD is when for some unknown reason Chris Burman hosts SportsCenter - like 2nite - you have to see Boomer in HD. Not pretty... But watching highlights of Allen Iverson hitting a 1/2 court shot in HD. Amazing. Another good thing about HD, Hawaiian Tropic Bikini Contest... I'll let you figure it out.

For those of you that don't already know - I have a camera phone now. I went to show my brother some pics I had on my phone today only to find out that I had took 5 pictures of the inside of my jeans pocket Friday night. They turned out great.

Tharp. Turn your music down. I get scared when I call you and a girl answers.

Quote of the Day:
In response to the question - What came 1st? The chicken or the egg?
"The real question is... who said, 'We're going to eat the next thing that comes out of that chicken.' " - Brad Gade